Perspective matters!

Sept. 10, 2024, INNOSpace | Bern-Wabern

Perspective matters! Stepping towards a Next Generation of cooperation and a future-oriented food system. How? By deeply understanding the diverse perspectives and challenges. At our 6th Agro Food Innovation Forum we will be highlighting the perspectives and hurdles of all parties and showing innovative ways and investment strategies to drive the change we need.


Event of Partners-Events

Open Exploration Workshop Ticino

Creating transformative solutions for farming, growing and consumption

The Innovation Booster Future Food Farming powered by Innosuisse invites you to network and create transformative solutions together. By understanding current conflicting goals, stakeholders from farms to citizens, from research to application, develop projects that contribute to solving problems and changing the status quo. Project funding of CHF 39,000 can be obtained after participation in the workshop, incubation sessions and considering the guidelines & conditions of participation. Together we want to identify barriers to a deeper connection with the soil regarding farming, growing and consuming produce. Especially concerning soil health and fertility. Presentations will be in English, group work can be accommodated in Italian.

Event of SFR-Events

Future Food Market

im Rahmen von Processed Food im Fokus

Am Future Food Market kann die köstliche Welt innovativer Lebensmittel von Start-Ups und Produzenten aus dem Kanton Zürich entdeckt werden. Lassen Sie sich die Zukunft unserer Ernährung schmecken! Der Markt findet im Rahmen des Events der SATW Processed Food im Fokus: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Event of Partners-Events

Processed Food im Fokus

Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für unsere Gesundheit

Verarbeitete Lebensmittel sind aus der heutigen Ernährung nicht mehr wegzudenken und sie werden auch zukünftig unsere Essgewohnheiten prägen. Expert:innen aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft bieten Einblicke in die Merkmale (hoch) verarbeiteter Lebensmittel, erläutern, welche Faktoren ein Produkt gesund oder weniger gesund machen, und beleuchten die Verbindung dieser Kategorie von Lebensmitteln zu nachhaltigem Konsum und Innovation. Gleichzeitig kann der von Swiss Food Research organisierte «Future Food Market» besucht werden und die köstliche Welt innovativer Lebensmittel von Start-Ups und Produzenten aus dem Kanton Zürich entdeckt werden. Lassen Sie sich die Zukunft unserer Ernährung schmecken!

Event of Insects

14th Meeting of the IG Insects

Event of Partners-Events

Open Exploration Workshop Hirzel

Creating transformative solutions for farming, growing and consumption

The Innovation Booster Future Food Farming powered by Innosuisse invites you to network and create transformative solutions together. By understanding current conflicting goals, stakeholders from farms to citizens, from research to application, develop projects that contribute to solving problems and changing the status quo. Project funding of CHF 39,000 can be obtained after participation in the workshop, incubation sessions and considering the guidelines & conditions of participation. Together we want to identify barriers to a deeper connection with the soil regarding farming, growing and consuming produce? Especially concerning soil health and fertility. We will gladly accommodate language preferences during the workshop.

Event of Partners-Events

Open Exploration Workshop Bavois

Creating transformative solutions for farming, growing and consumption

The Innovation Booster Future Food Farming powered by Innosuisse invites you to network and create transformative solutions together. By understanding current conflicting goals, stakeholders from farms to citizens, from research to application, develop projects that contribute to solving problems and changing the status quo. Project funding of CHF 39,000 can be obtained after participation in the workshop, incubation sessions and considering the guidelines & conditions of participation. Together we want to identify barriers to a deeper connection with the soil regarding farming, growing and consuming produce? Especially concerning soil health and fertility. We will gladly accommodate language preferences during the workshop.

Event of Partners-Events

Soil-to-Soul Food-Lab

Innovation in die Köpfe und auf die Teller

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Avina-Stiftung und Dominik Flammer startet diesen Herbst die 2. Runde des Food-Labs. Vom 8. Oktober bis zum 3. November arbeiten wir mit Pilzen, Hülsenfrüchten und neuen exotischen Obst- und Beerensorten. Das Food-Lab richtet sich an junge Köch:innen aus der ganzen Schweiz, die sich über ein Bewerbungsverfahren anmelden können.

Event of Fungi & Fungal Systems

7tes Treffen der IG Fungi & Fungal Systems

NES Innovationgroups

Fungi & Fungal Systems

Future Proof Farming

Grains & Baked Goods


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation

Non Thermal Preservation

Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation