
Event of Proteins4Future

10th Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

Event of Proteins4Future

9th meeting of IGs Proteins4Future & Bioconversion

Event of Proteins4Future

8th Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

Event of Proteins4Future

7th Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

Event of Proteins4Future

6th Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

Event of Proteins4Future

5th Meeting IG Proteins4Future

Event of Proteins4Future

4th Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

Online Webinar and Workshops about alternative proteins

Be active and discover agile and interactive formats in the workshops. The topics ranging from future use of alternative proteins like microalgae and hemp to the use of whole crop and a sustainability modelling tool.

Event of Proteins4Future

3rd Meeting of the IG Proteins4Future

NES Innovationgroups

Fungi & Fungal Systems

Future Proof Farming

Grains & Baked Goods


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation

Non Thermal Preservation

Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation