Perspective matters!

Sept. 10, 2024, INNOSpace | Bern-Wabern

Perspective matters! Stepping towards a Next Generation of cooperation and a future-oriented food system. How? By deeply understanding the diverse perspectives and challenges. At our 6th Agro Food Innovation Forum we will be highlighting the perspectives and hurdles of all parties and showing innovative ways and investment strategies to drive the change we need.


Event of Future Proof Farming

2tes Treffen der Innovationsgruppe Zukunftsgerichtete Landwirtschaft

Die Innovationgruppe Zukunftsgerichtete Landwirtschaft ist ein Netzwerkanlass mit dem Ziel, Landwirtschaftsbetriebe in ihren unternehmerischen Ambitionen zu unterstützen.

Event of Future Proof Farming

1tes Treffen der IG Zukunftsgerichtete Landwirtschaft Kanton Luzern

NES Innovationgroups

Fungi & Fungal Systems

Future Proof Farming

Grains & Baked Goods


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation

Non Thermal Preservation

Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation