13th Meeting of the IG Digitalization
- Uhr Sitem MedTech HUB (SMH), Weyermannsstrasse 36, 3008 Bern
The 13th meeting of the Innovation Group on Digitalization focuses on current research projects and developments around the user-friendliness of digital tools for the food value chain. You can look forward to the following presentations:
- Users in Context: Innovating with User Perspectives, Baran Güneysel, Gian-Carlo Huber, Divergenz
- Digitalization with vision: Farmers' challenges in implementation, Bernd Robbert, LZSG
- User Experience for the Public Sector: Sustainable Projects from the Digital Sustainability Lab, Julia Mia Stirnemann, BFH
- OptiSignFood: software platform for an optimised product development in the food sector, Thomas Nemecek, Agroscope
- Abrinca Genomics: From Frustration to UX Innovation through Dogfooding,Thomas Roder, Abrinca
Please find the program here
Contents and further information of all events. Members only.
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