The Innovationgroups connect innovative minds and changemakers from research, business, and society on innovation topics driving the transformation of the agro-food system. These multistakeholder events stimulate new approaches and solutions for impact and transformation.

Our 12 innovationgroups offer a neutral and confidential space to co-create and challenge the most urgent topics for change, with the support of the latest science and technology trends and developments.

Exchanging knowledge on projects and applications foster diverse and sustainable solutions toward the “one planetary health” vision. Not least by the interconnection of all Innovationgroups with each other and with the Swiss Agro Food Ecosystem.


NES Innovationgroups

Future Proof Farming

Grains & Baked Goods

Fungi & Fungal Systems


Upcoming event

In preparation

Non Thermal Preservation

Upcoming event

In preparation


Upcoming event

In preparation

More information and inquieries

What does innovation actually mean?

From Federal Act SR 420.1: Science-based innovation (innovation): The development of new products, procedures, processes and services for industry and society through research, in particular application-oriented research, and the exploitation of their results.
Innovation is multifaceted and does not only take place in large projects.

Are technical application questions / questions from production also relevant?

In particular, questions from production and application are highly relevant. Innovation does not only mean long-term projects, but also the practical possibilities for improvement - the innovations in small steps often bring good success and progress for the companies.

How can I participate in an innovation group?

Simply send an e-mail to with a request for participation in innovation group (see active innovation groups below).

Can I participate in more than one group?

There is no limit - as a member you can participate in all the groups that are interesting and relevant to you and your company.

Who can participate?

Participation in innovation groups is open to all members of Swiss Food Research. Guests who would like to take a look at this are very welcome. If you have any questions, please contact

How often does an innovation group meet?

The innovation group meets twice a year to discuss the latest research results and topics for future research projects on a large scale. In addition, there are meetings of the project groups that work together on current research projects.

How are projects processed in innovation groups?

The innovation group forms the platform on which all those interested in the industry or the subject area meet. Proposals for research topics / projects can be submitted by all. The respective interested parties then work together in the projects. There can be confidential, bilateral projects or projects with many partners. The project teams meet at least twice a year to discuss the results and further steps.

What can I expect at a meeting of the innovation group?

Exciting lectures on current or completed projects - Latest findings from science and research, specialist lectures on current topics in the industry in the field of "technology".

What is the difference to the industry association?

In general, an association represents the interests of the industry in the fields of politics, economics and legislation. The research and development sector, on the other hand, is represented by the innovation groups in addition.

How much does it cost to participate in an innovation group?

Participation in innovation groups is free of charge for members of Swiss Food Research. In return, they receive access to the latest research results, access to research projects, connections to competencies, support with technological questions, access to project funding.

How much does it cost to become a member of Swiss Food Research?

The fees are based on the size of the company and range from CHF 500 to CHF 6000 per year. Further information can be found here.

What about confidentiality of projects and results?

Trust is the basis of cooperation. Results are generally only published after consultation with the respective project partners.
The people / partners working directly on a project receive all information first. After consultation with the project team, information can be passed on to the innovation group. At a much later stage, this information can be made available to the general public in form of a scientific publications after consultation with the project team.

Following innovation groups already exist:

  • cereals and bakery products
  • packaging
  • insects
  • aquaculture
  • coffee
  • digitalisation
  • fermentation (from 2019)
  • non-thermal inactivation processes (autumn 2018)
  • alternative protein sources and their application (autumn 2018)

Further innovation groups are being set up and may also be of interest to your sector.

Become a member of Swiss Food Research and help to shape the future of your industry and the agro-food sector.