Our members are business enterprises and start-ups, universities and research institutes active in the field of agro-food science and nutrition, as well as industry organisations, associations and other network organisations.

Research Institutes

  • Agroscope – Agricultural research institutes
  • BFH – E&D – Bern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • ChemTech – Partner for plastic articles, air fresheners and personal care products
  • CSEM –Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology
  • Eawag – One of the world's leading water research institutes
  • EHL Institute of Nutrition R&D –Using nature-inspired models to address modern nutritional challenges
  • Empa – Materials, science and technology
  • ETHZ – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences
  • FFHS – Distance Learning University of Applied Sciences Switzerland
  • FIBL –Research Institute for Organic Agriculture
  • Institut für Computational Engineering - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
  • University Freiburg – Food Research and Innovative Center
  • Changins – University of Applied Sciences for Viticulture and Ecology, Viticulture Technician
    Wine school
  • HEPIA – Geneva School of Landscape Engineering and Architecture, Institute for Soil, Nature and the Environment
  • HES-SO//Valais-Wallis – University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Institute of Life Sciences
  • HES-SO//Vaud – HEIG-VD, Institute for Mechanical Design, Materials and Packaging Technology
  • INSIT-HEIGH – Institute for Space Planning (HEIG)
  • Institute of Chemistry and biological Chemistry
  • SIB – Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
  • ZHAW – Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Life Sciences & Facility Management

Economy, industry and start-ups

Organisations & Associations

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