NES Innovationgroups

Future Proof Farming

Grains & Baked Goods

Fungi & Fungal Systems


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Non Thermal Preservation

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News & Opinions

EggField - a successful Swiss start-up is developing a new generation of plant-based egg alternatives. The only allergen-free clean-label alternative to chicken egg in the B2B sector so far. Swiss Food Research helped me to navigate the Swiss ecosystem and find the right partners.
Silvan Leibacher

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Silvan Leibacher
Innovation is a joint effort "A look at the innovation map of the Swiss food landscape".
Lebensmittel Industrie

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Lebensmittel Industrie
"The renewal of the food industry can only succeed if we all work together" Guy Parmelin spoke at the member and general assembly on 06.10.2020 of Swiss Food Research.
Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin

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Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin
"The Agro Food Innovation Forum is an excellent platform for start-ups and their innovative products. We from S-GE were present as experts in this third edition and were very happy to advise the young entrepreneurs on their way to the international market. A great event!"
Nadja Kolb, Consultant Germany / UK / Ireland at Switzerland Global Enterprise

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Nadja Kolb, Consultant Germany / UK / Ireland at Switzerland Global Enterprise
The Future Food Market was a great opportunity to interact with like-minded people working on a variety of projects - from food and drink innovations to projects focused on a more sustainable planet. It was a very inspiring experience to participate.
Ana Mihelić, Alver World

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Ana Mihelić, Alver World
"As a young start-up, we take the opportunity at the Agro Food Innovation Forum to exchange ideas with other more experienced start-ups. The people are great and the exchange is amazing. Yes, we are really happy to be here!"
Anita Zehnder, tasty spready klg

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Anita Zehnder, tasty spready klg