6tes Treffen der IG Getreide und Backwaren
6tes Treffen der Innoavtionsgruppe Getreide und Backwaren
Fachtagung "Intelligente Sensoren für die Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelbranche"
Fachtagung "Intelligente Sensoren für die Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelbranche" Organisiert von Agroscope, CSEM und die Netwerke Kompetenznetzwerk Ernährungswirtschaft, Inartis und Swiss Food Research
Swiss Ento Food Kongress
Kongress der ZHAW über "Essbare Insekten" mit Simultanübersetzung deutsch-englisch-deutsch
Kick-off Workshop "Challenges of Digitalization in the AgroFood Sector"
With the same speed that digitalization disrupts the food value chain, new initiatives and platforms are being created to tackle its challenges and opportunities. Who are the current actors working on digitalization in the AgroFood sector in Switzerland? What is their vision in the short/medium term? What are the priority topics for Switzerland and how can we work together for greater impact and efficiency? ETH Studio AgroFood and the Innovation Group/Swiss Food Research would like to invite you to the workshop „Challenges of Digitalization in the AgroFood sector”, which will take place on May 16th at the ETH Zurich. The workshop will provide an overview, facilitate interactions and will help clarifying possibilities for future joint activities around the topic of digitalization in the AgroFood system. We’d like to hear about your vision, to find common interests and to identify links to drive digitalization forward in Switzerland in a cooperative manner. The event is also the official Kick Off event of the innovation group “Digitalization in AgroFood” formed to allow for a joined and aligned approach on the topic under the umbrella of Swiss Food Research. The innovation group is supported by a steering board where different research institutes are represented and brings together all active stakeholders in the area of digitalization in the AgroFood value chain.