9tes Treffen der IG Verpackung
- Uhr FHNW Brugg-Windisch
Please find the programme of the meeting here
The topic of holistically sustainable packaging is crucial - but what stands in the way of resource-efficient, sustainable and economically attractive solutions?
"Everything the same but sustainable" is often an initial expectation that makes many things difficult. If you think about things in a new way and consciously question the given, then the boundary conditions change and new possibilities open up.
The question "why" is central here!
Often, however, we think we already know the solution without having really questioned the problem.
At the meeting of the Packaging Innovation Group we want to prepare the ground for the development of future solutions.
Therefore we want to understand the problems that stand in the way of
- resource-efficient
- sustainable
- economically attractive
packaging solutions.
Topics such as recycling, packaging materials, marketing, shelf life of the packaged products, logistics, etc. play an essential role.
In particular, it will be important to understand what the problems are on the food producer and retailer side.
In a workshop with various disciplines and "all" stakeholders, we want to openly name the problems.
From this, opportunities can be formulated, without formulating concrete solutions and creating IP conflicts.
In a follow-up, solutions should then be worked out in a confidential or public manner. Support for these ideas through an NTN Innovation Booster is being planned.
We have all the necessary individual competences to deal with these issues - we just need to bring them together.
Be there, when this happens!
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