Kickoff-Event: NTN Innovation Booster Swiss Food Ecosystems

Information event about how to create a Swiss food ecosystems

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Join us for the Kickoff event on November 24th to get full details; who can participate and how? Which methodologies and tools will be used? Learn more about the new national thematic network "Next Generation of Swiss Food Ecosystems" which will start in January 2021!

Dedicated to the Agrifood sector, the NTN Innobooster will focus primarily on challenges related to nutrition, biomass valorization, resources efficiency, circular economy and sustainable packaging. The thematic network will also provide direct funding to test innovative concepts and ideas while promoting the use of collaborative and agile methods such as Design Thinking.

This NTN Innobooster funded by Innosuisse is led by "Suisse Agro Food Leadinghouse", the jointly founded association by Swiss Food Research and Cluster Food & Nutrition.


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