Grains & Baked Goods
Topics for the grains and baked goods innovation group are prepared by active members of this sector
Grain products still offer a great deal of potential for innovative developments. Within the framework of the Innogroup Grain and Baked Goods, these potentials are taken and pursued further. Bread needs differentiation and added value in order to become more attractive. People do not live from bread alone - many other products can also be produced on the basis of grain. Create new added value with us and be there when these developments are taken forward.
In the area of cereals & bakery products, research topics are defined in cooperation with and for the representatives in field of grain and baked goods. The focus is on the entire processing chain from the field to consumption.
The technical competences range from varieties, cultivation , breeding, processing, characterisation of ingredients to process technology. This covers the entire value chain.
A broad competence network can thus pursue the various central questions of the grain and bakery industry and help to further develop the industry with innovative projects. Topics for research projects are presented to the participants in meetings and also developed jointly
Steering group
The innovation group is led by a steering group according to topic. The steering group consists of the following persons:
- Peter Fischer, ETH
- Mathias Kinner, ZHAW
- Lilia Levy, Agroscope
- Fabio Mascher, BFH
- Susanne Miescher-Schwenninger, ZHAW
- Laura Nyström, ETH
- Raymond Place, BFH
Upcoming events
Contents and further information of all events. Members only.
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