Swiss Food Research General Assembly 2022
- Uhr Centravo AG, Industriering 32, 3250 Lyss
Program and Agenda of Assembly

General Assembly - We will be welcomed by Swiss NutriFine, Centravo
This years assembly will take place in the brand new facilities of Swiss NutriFine, a subunit of Centravo that is specialized on valorization of animal products.
We will get insights into a world to which we are rarely getting exposed to and which we like "not to look at". Still it is an important part of food production. When consuming animal based products, it is extremely important to valorize as much as possible of the animal. We will get an insights into how such a valorization takes place and what happens to all the bits and pieces that have not made it to the filet mignon.
All members are invited to join us on this journey. Places for the company visit are limited to 50 people.
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